Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Go Kill Yourself

The last few days have been kind of interesting. We've been doing major amounts of yard work this week. There's a group of first graders coming here on Thursday and we're trying to make the property look nice for them, since there's 150 of them coming. And the only thing I can say about yard work, manual labor, and myself is that I'm about as helpful as a brick is to a window, when it's being thrown through. It's been pretty funny though, because in the process of making the sanctuary nicer looking I've found dismembered and dried out buzzards, had all the tigers, cougars, and one of the leopards try to grab weedwhackers and sheers from my hands, and have made countless attempts at diving headfirst into various patches of thorns. This list doesn't even include things like accidently spraying myself in the face with a hose....

Around 2:00 today, Susan, Melanie, and myself picked up our neighbor Matt, and then drove down to Lowe's to pick up parts for our various models of lawn mowers. We brought Matt along for two reasons. One, he's the guy that's been mowing the property and helping us out for his required community service. And two, he has quite the knowledge about lawn mowers and all things manual labor. So, we whisked him over there with us to help us find the parts we needed, and as usual, I had no idea what was going on.
For some reason or another, I'm always out of the loop about stuff, especially when it involves anything that would have to do with cars or places like Lowe's. But, while we were there, I was tasked in getting the shopping cart. Of course, I happened to grab the cart that was stuck to all the other carts, so this other lady shopper and I spent a couple minutes trying to pull them apart. When we succeeded, I decided the best way to catch up with everyone was to ride the shopping cart across the store. Instead, the cart decided to flip itself over backwards. Luckily, I caught myself, but not before the guy standing near me with his wife saw me and remarked, "Woah! Slow down there killer." A little sheepishly, I tried to be funny by telling some quip about not killing myself fast enough or something.
Then, when I caught up, I had no idea what we were looking for and/or needed. Instead, I just flipped through the guide of various stylish sheds and other buildings you can buy kits for from Lowe's. I'm still not sure what the point of a gazebo is or why anyone would want one.

I've been having trouble watching the show Tosh.O. Before coming here, I only watched maybe 15 minutes at most of it. Now I remember why I didn't like it in the first place. Daniel Tosh is mean. I realize that Jim and Melanie really like it, but I have always had a hard time dealing with people who are mean just to be mean. I can't even get behind the excuse that it's OK, since he makes fun of everyone based on gender, race, and other stereotypes. While the YouTube videos are for the most part effing brilliant, and watching him interview famous internet memes is hilarious, I still can't cancel out of my mind that the things he says are being said to be mean. And maybe that's why he has so many people watching his show, because he says the things that I'm sure a lot of people think about others people.
Like tonight, I had a discussion about whether all gay men care about how they look. I was flabbergasted when someone told me that obviously so and so might be gay if they keep making comments on how people dress. I know straight men who act more gay than their actual gay roommates, and vice versa.
I guess, the reason why I have the most problem with purposeful bigotry is that I grew up Unitarian Universalist. The Unitarian Universalists have seven principles:

  • The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
  • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
  • Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
  • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
  • The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
  • The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
  • Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
But the one that has always stuck with me is, "The inherent worth and dignity of every person." That principle recently has been on my mind a lot recently, especially with the death of Osama Bin Laden and the ongoing prejudice towards the worldwide Muslim community. While I haven't always been the best at respecting the inherent worth and dignity of every person, I always feel guilty when I don't actually try to follow that principle. That being said, I throw it out the window when people don't respect me or other people in return. I'll call them out on it. To quote Marconi, "I take a hardline stance against crap." 
I'm still working on that. Since I can deal with most people's crap.

Last night I got a letter from Amber and the rest of members of the elite club that is my house. Also known as "The Pirate House." It was cute there were little cards like for discounts at PetCo and a "Kissing License." I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that though. I may just flash it at cute boys at bars, so I can just skip the small talk and make out with them. But, I really don't think I'm going to be kissing anyone right now, so I'll just be content with temporary celibacy.
It didn't really hit me how long I'll be gone from Columbus until I found a note from Amber that says, "Have a great summer." I'm not going to lie, I definitely shed a few tears when I saw that, because it really hit me that I'm going to be missing a lot this summer, since I'm getting back the first week of August. I'll be missing Comfest, Doodah, Red, White, and Boom, Pride, my 21st birthday and Amber's birthday 3 days later and celebrating all month. I'm probably missing a few things, but it has suddenly become harder to be here. I mean, I get along with everyone well for the most part, but I don't really fit in here. Then again, I don't particularly fit in back home either...

The other night I was talking about this tattoo and piercing shop here in Spring Hill that I found on the APP's(Association of Professional Piercers) website on a whim. Yesterday, I decided to go make a stop since my rook started to randomly bleed and I've been wanting to change out the jewelry in my tragus. Originally, I just wanted to get an 18g horseshoe, but they didn't have one that size. Instead, we decided to go up to a 16g. Paul, after taking a look at it, looked me in the eye and said that he really couldn't sell me that jewelry. To which I responded with, "No worries, lets go with the CBR."
To be honest, after talking to him and figuring out how much experience he's had, the fact that he had a hit on the APP's website, and he was just an all around cool dude, I knew I could trust his judgement. So, I now have a 16g CBR, and haven't told anyone I work with about it. Hopefully they'll see it and ask me about it. It's doubtful, but I'm also not running around flashing people like the last time I spent money on body mods. Then again, I had two microdermals put into my chest, and purposefully wore a v-neck shirt to make things easier for Jared.

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